R ♡ L Energies Free yourself from the play of energies and give your movement space. * Befreie Dich aus dem Spiel der Energien und gebe Deiner Bewegung Raum.... 13. July 2016 1.2K
R ♡ L Be Unique Your conformity is not bad, but your development only serves your courage to be unique. * Deine Angepasstheit ist nicht weiter schlimm, jedoch dient Deiner... 12. July 2016 1.4K
R ♡ L That There is nothing to oppose that which observes or judges what is. What is, is one. It is THAT. * Dem was ist, steht nichts... 1. July 2016 1.2K
R ♡ L Trust Your Feet In order to stay on the right path trust your feet, not your eyes. * Um auf dem richtigen Weg zu bleiben, vertraue Deinen Füßen,... 30. June 2016 1.5K
R ♡ L Places How many places have you searched for yourself? In how many situations have you found yourself? How many people have you seen yourself in? Who... 29. June 2016 1.2K
R ♡ L Who Am I Only when your mind while looking for the answer to the question “Who am I really?” has run to death, your I AM appears naturally,... 28. June 2016 1.4K
R ♡ L Experiences The greatest discovery you can make in life is that there is no difference in the nature of experiences. * Die größte Entdeckung, die Du... 23. June 2016 1.2K
R ♡ L Whining The one who whines has forgotten to take the necessary action at the right time. To start a sentence with “It’s a pity …” is... 20. June 2016 1.2K
R ♡ L Expectation Any expectation will be disappointed, no matter how humble it may be. Because expecting is nothing other than your mind trying to experience a future... 19. June 2016 1.2K
R ♡ L Absolute Relative Unconditional means ABSOLUTE. Whereas RELATIVE means, related to. Hence no absolute relationship exists. Why do you cling to it so persistently? * Bedingungslos bedeutet ABSOLUT.... 18. June 2016 1.5K